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Tips & Tricks for Learning Outdoors

Get ready for an adventure and immerse yourself with nature! ECO educators share their helpful tips and tricks to engage any young scientist while learning outdoors. These useful ideas will help build a foundation for curiosity and connection to nature, whether you’re looking out a window, walking through the park, or adventuring on a trail in the outdoors! Please be mindful to follow all current official guidance when venturing outdoors and check current state guidance for travel restrictions and park closures. The Leave No Trace center also offers helpful resources for exploring responsibly. Even our backyards or local parks offer a treasure trove of beauty and wonder to get to know. Research shows that spending time outside, whether it’s a park or your backyard, calms your central nervous system, slows your heart rate, and boosts your immune system.  Have fun with these ideas, and let us know how they go! We’d love to hear about your experience. Tag us on social media @ecology4kids or send us an email at [email protected]


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